The coronavirus is still spreading exponentially across the United States.
It is not one outbreak. It is many outbreaks all across the country.
Beginning in the middle of March, 2020, I started writing about COVID-19 and its spread in the US.
It began when I noticed that the spread was numerically predictable.
I pushed this email out to TheNumbersCoach mailing list:
This led to two more articles, and a collection of tools which are available here:
These tools allow you to look at current trends (updated daily) for
- the whole US
- for any state
- or any county that has the virus
You can see
- what percent of the population has the virus
- the growth rate of new cases
- the growth rate of deaths
- how your state or county compares with other states and counties
- and much more
Please feel free to use these tools and pass them on to anyone who may find them useful.