The smartest way to cut your taxes?

If you’re reading this, I hope it’s because this year was really good for you.

I hope that next year is even better!

On the other hand, if you’re reading this, I’m sure you also know that it will take more than hope.

In any case, I’m here to help. I’d like to help you work smarter, and I want to do that in a way that will help you save some tax dollars.

I will say right off the bat that I am not qualified to give tax advice. Please consult with someone who is. Make sure that what I do is a write-off for you!

One thing I offer that may be tax deductible is reputation management. If you want to get found on more websites with better listings, this will be of interest to you.


Something else that may interest you is my Custom Sales Funnel package.

If you want a web site that works, you need three things:

  • a good reason for people to give their email address
  • a good presentation of the good thing in #1 above
  • a good follow up email campaign

This is exactly what the Custom Sales Funnel is all about.

If you like my writing style, you can put it to work in your business. I’ll create your web content, call to action and follow-up campaign.


You can also take a look at my coaching program, which has a significant pre-payment discount:


There are lots of other ways I can help businesses succeed. Most of them are going to be custom designed for your specific purpose. As a result, they may not suit a need for a tax write off. Of course, I’m open to those opportunities as well.

Please feel free to contact me with questions. I’m happy to help.

Twenty years after first going online, the Internet still feels new to me and every day is filled with exciting new challenges.

I wish every one of you more prosperity than you can possibly stand.

Carpe Numero (seize the numbers!)

Dec 30, 2014